Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Best Buffalo Wings

Logan, Utah may not of had much but it did have a Wingers Bar & Grill restaurant. It is at this aptly named western U.S. restaurant chain where you will find the best buffalo wings you will ever eat!

Why, you ask... are these the best? What is so special about them? I think again it's in the sauce: Winger's Original Amazing Sauce.

A sauce truly amazing. Sweet and tangy yet it still probably put a few holes in my stomach. Well worth it.

So... Where did this Original Azimg Sauce come from?
"If this question has kept you up at night, maybe the following will put you to sleep - so to speak.
In 1954, Professor M.A. Zing began a lifelong quest to create the sticky stuff used to hold together sticky pads. After years of failure, he accidentally dropped a chicken wing he planned on eating for lunch into his latest experiment batch. Being a frugal man, Professor Zing decided to eat the wing anyway.
To his amazement, it tasted amazingly great! The sauce was a unique blend of sweet and tangy and was stunningly flavorful; it had a kick but wasn't tongue numbing. Sure, this sauce wouldn't stick sticky pads together, but it would stick to you ribs and tickle your tonsils. The world of wings would never be the same.
Still, experts would justifiably dispute the origin of the sauce's current name. Some think that Professor M.A. Zing's first words upon tasting the sauce were, "Freakin' amazing!" Others, however, claim that he said something similar at the moment of discovery, but later changed the exact wording.
At Winger’s Bar and Grill®, we went with Professor Zing's idea for the name - "Freakin' Amazing Sauce" - until just recently, when it became apparent the good professor was acting more in anger and pain than marketing sense. So, once we sent Zing to a shrink, we shortened the sauce name to the more reasonable "Original Amazing Sauce." (Winger’s Bar and Grill® is nothing if not a family-oriented operation.) That seemed to catch on. Leading us to apply the Original Amazing Sauce and its Creamy Amazing Dressing spin-off to all sorts of ribs, burgers and sandwiches.
Freakin' Hallelujah!"

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