The Best Cheesecake I Ever Ate
I can't help but think this is wrong. All wrong. Surely there is a better cheesecake out there. Maybe I just haven't found it yet. Maybe I need to go try all of the cheesecakes at the Cheesecake Factory, not just one or two.. I haven't tried all of their varieties yet. So far, none have impressed me like our winner today.
So... with out further delay and procrastination... I do declare that the best cheesecake I ever ate is that found and sold and your local Costco. Did I say Costco? Yes... I said Costco. This is why it seems so strange. I never thought I'd mention Costco in this blog, but there I've done it four times.
There is something about their cheesecake. Simple, yet perfectly balanced richness with a decadent taste that draws you back for more. Yum. AND... it's HUGE! So there's always seconds. :-)
I'm not a big fan of cheesecake but Costco may make a believer out of me yet! Eh, I said the "C" word again.
So, next time you're at your neighborhood Costco, don't pass up this rich opportunity!
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